DMDVR-GPS - GPS Antenna Module for DMDVRAV

Your Price: $49.00
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Model Number: DMDVR-GPS
GPS Antenna
Product Description:

The MDVR-GPS is a high performance receiver module for the Global Positioning System (GPS) solution. It combines U-Blox 6 GPS single chip(UBX-G6010-ST), EEPROM, RS232 Transceiver IC,LNA circuit, SAW filter and Patch Antenna into a land grid array module. It can be easily plugged into a device for GPS communication.

  • High Gain and low noise
  • U-Blox 6 position engine with over 2 million effective correlators featuring < 1s acquisition, -147dBm cold start acquisition sensitivity and 5Hz update rate
  • Intelligent, user configurable power management for radically lower power consumption
  • Open sky cold start 29 second
  • Signal detection better than -160dBm
  • Reacquisition sensitivity –160dBm
  • Accuracy 2.5m CEP
  • Variable cable length and connectors are available
  • Magnetic mounting
  • RoHS compliance
  • Water-resistance
  • RS232/TTL/USB electrical level is available
  • GPS Navigation Status LED

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