Real-time DVR Demos
Live Demo " click here"
Click here to see our OPTIVIEW DVR web page. This will allow you to view our main office in real-time. See what it would be like to access your business from a remote site. You can still keep your eye on things when you're out of the office or on the road!
To log on, type in the id: guest and the password: 1234 Then press the log button.
Please be patient when accessing for the first time. It will take a moment.
Remote Client
Click here if you would like to download the full OPTIVIEW remote access client.( Choose the Optivew Remote Software version file at the top of the page). This will allow you to not only view what is happening real time, but also allow you to view past recordings, download recordings, or change most options on the OPTIVIEW DVR remotely.
Installation steps:
1. Download and install remote client
2. Open DVR-NET icon on desktop
3. Click Log-in at the top right hand side of the screen. Then, click the Setup button. Click "new". SITE NAME is "office" IP ADDRESS is and leave the Method alone.
4. At the Site Connect screen, enter the user name "guest" and the password "1234". Then click "Connect".
5. To shut down the software, select the Push Button at the bottom right hand side of the screen.